Building Bridges with Keywords: Why Research is Crucial for Written Content

SEO Keywords and Topical Authority

Keyword research is a vital element in the creation of written website content. By understanding the terms and phrases users are searching for, businesses and site owners can tailor their content to reach their target audience. Thorough keyword research is the foundational role in developing effective website content that attracts visitors, drives traffic, and improves search engine rankings.

Here’s why keyword research is the cornerstone of effective website writing:

  1. Understanding Your Audience: Keywords act as windows into your audience’s mind. By researching them, you discover what phrases people use to search for information related to your niche. This knowledge allows you to tailor your content to their specific needs and questions, increasing its relevance and resonance.
  2. Boosting Search Engine Visibility: Search engines like Google use keywords to understand and rank website content. By strategically incorporating relevant keywords throughout your writing, you improve your website’s chances of appearing in search results for queries your target audience uses. This translates to increased organic traffic and brand awareness.
  3. Guiding Content Strategy: Keyword research isn’t just about individual pieces; it informs your overall content strategy. Identifying high-volume keywords with moderate competition provides a roadmap for creating content that resonates with your audience and attracts new visitors. Conversely, low-volume, long-tail keywords can help target specific user segments and establish your expertise in niche areas.
  4. Measuring Success: Keyword research empowers you to track the impact of your content. By monitoring rankings and traffic for targeted keywords, you can gauge how well your content aligns with your audience’s search intent and make data-driven decisions to optimize your writing further.
  5. Avoiding Blind Spots: It’s easy to fall into the trap of writing about what you think is interesting, neglecting what your audience actually seeks. Keyword research helps you uncover trending topics, industry jargon, and related searches you might have missed, ensuring your content stays relevant and competitive.

Trends evolve, and user intent shifts. Regularly revisiting your keyword strategy ensures your content remains a bridge that connects your website with the right audience, fostering meaningful interactions and driving growth.

By dedicating time and effort to keyword research, you transform your website content from a hidden bridge into a vibrant thoroughfare, attracting the right audience and achieving your online goals.

Option 1: SEO Keyword Research

We can create a spreadsheet such as the sample “Eco-Friendly Lifestyle” sample below, which shows keywords for the niche, the keyword difficulty (Competition – the higher the number the more difficult to rank), the global traffic for the keyword, an example of a long-tail keyword for the primary keyword, and a suggested SEO post topic for an article on the keyword.

SEO Targeted Keywords

For this type of research, we typically charge $100 for 30 keywords, which also gives 30 suggested article titles for a website.

Option 2: Article Topical Cluster

Another option is a topical cluster sheet (the “sustainable living” example sheet below). On this sheet, we create clusters for article titles around a single keyword. In this example, we took the “sustainable living” keyword from the “Eco-Friendly Lifestyle” sheet and created 3 SEO categories (clusters) for the keyword, and gave 3 long-tail keywords for each cluster. We then suggest 5 SEO article titles for each long-tail keyword.

Topical Authority Cluster

For this option, we charge $10 per keyword, which gives you 45 title options for each keyword and a cluster of articles on the keyword to build topical authority for the website.

You can provide keywords, or we can research the keywords as in the first example and then produce article clusters for selected keywords from the list or all the keywords produced. If we use the example in option 1, which produced 30 keywords at a cost of $100 and then produced a topical cluster for each keyword at $10 per keyword ($300 for 30 keywords), it would cost you $400 in total, but you would have 1380 researched potential article titles for your site.

If you would like to enquire about our services in this regard, please fill in your requirements on the form below, and we will be in touch with a proposal.